Emergency IP change

There was a UDP DDoS attack on our server lss1.layerip.com last night, after which we’ve blocked all UDP traffic on it. Afterwards there was a synflood attack, which was also mitigated. The server was operational, but appeared to be still slow on network dependent operations, therefore we are forced to balance the load between several IPs.

In case your domain is using our default nameservers, no changes are required:
ns100/101.layerip.com OR ukns100/101.abstractdns.com
The domains will be re-pointed to the new IP address automatically.

In case you use external DNS provider for your domain (like Cloudflare), you will need to change IP address for your domain’s ‘A’ records with the DNS provider.
The new IP address will appear in cPanel>> Server Information (side panel)>> IP Address line.

We will keep you updated as the situation develops.

3 Responses

  1. JoltCoUk Status Blog Admin says:

    IP address re-assignment has been started.

  2. JoltCoUk Status Blog Admin says:

    IP address re-assignment has been finished.

  3. JoltCoUk Status Blog Admin says:

    The maintenance has been completed

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